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Green ferns
Mauri Alchemy illustration of Maori woman with long blue hair and moko


Mauri Alchemy moko logo

Ko wai au?

Ko Horouta te waka

Ko Hikurangi te maunga

Ko Waiapu te awa

Ko Ngati Porou te iwi

Welcome to our Services section. Here at Mauri Alchemy, I offer a range of holistic based therapies and services to support your well-being.


With over 30 years' experience I am dedicated to helping you achieve balance and harmony in your life.


Discover the transformative power of yoga, explore the healing properties of plant medicine, and nurture your womb health with my specialised treatments.

Take a step towards holistic wellness and embark on a journey of self-discovery and healing.

Blue Skies

Kia ora koutou.


For the last 30 years I have been delving into different healing modalities, learning about the body from different perspectives. I'm fascinated.


However, I keep coming back to the old ways, using:

  • mirimiri

  • plants

  • movement

  • breathe

  • water

  • sound, and

  • colour

to bring flow back to our Mauri,

to bring back our tinana,

to homeostasis,

to balance.


Ngā mihi, Kimi

Mauri Alchemy moko logo
Kimi Peachy in yoga pose

Got questions?

To book a session please use my contact section below

Mauri Alchemy moko logo

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NZ paua shell on woven mat with kawakawa leaf and jade pendant
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